Hi! It's been a bit
It's been quiet and my health has been a little off, but I have some great things to publish in 2024.
It’s been a little while since I’ve written anything for this blog/newsletter, and I wanted to at least welcome all the new readers. Thank you so much for your support, and please know that I’ll never ask more from you other than the occasional like, a share, or a comment. Opening my emails also helps a ton, as it tells GMail it isn’t spam. It also lets me know people are reading, which is always a boost for my mood.
That aside, it truly has been a while, hasn’t it? I miss this space and I want to write more personal things again, instead of only focusing on my published works and publishing news. I’ll still write about that of course, but when I began this blog on another platform years ago, it was more personal. A mixture of articles and life stuff, and original writing, that you can find imported on the web version of this blog, right in the archives.
I have been burnt out for quite some time. It’s been the biggest culprit of my inactivity, along with my mental health struggles that I’ve been coping with for many years. I don’t speak about it often here, I have a side blog for that, but I have CPTSD and a panic disorder, as well as other diagnoses. I also have chronic illnesses that have worsened. It’s all been a potent mix to push me back when I manage to get a few steps ahead.
I’ve been gaming a lot, Baldur’s Gate 3 has been my savior over the past few months. Without that escape, I worry I would have been in the hospital or just not here at all. Any time I’d take a break from the game to write or get back to doing ‘author stuff,’ everything I’d been suppressing and distracting from hit me full force, and my entire body would just crash and I’d melt down.
It’s been about three years of this now, and I am not sure I see a path to healing quite yet. I do have plans for more books, though, and my next release is already drafted; a queer monster erotica with a campy feel. I also have a book of poetry I’d like to release eventually — if I feel brave enough to do that. I’ve always been very self-conscious about my poems because of their dark and personal nature. They’re also mostly experimental, spur of the moment pieces to capture the raw emotions I felt at the time. I am proud of them, so maybe they’ll see the light of day soon.
Thank you for sticking with me if you have. It’s admittedly a little quiet for me these days on the social media front, but I will never stop working my ass off to get my work out there. I could use some help though, no matter how small that help may be.
If you have just a few minutes, I’d really appreciate a share of anything I’ve done that you’ve appreciated or think has value. Just giving my posts a like, sharing my books with your friends or your social media followers, or directing anyone to my social media or blogs that may like my work would do wonders. I’m a one-person team, so I need all the help I can get to stand a chance and survive in this chaotic social media world. And it has truly been chaos everywhere for the past few years.
Thank you for reading. Please take care, and feel free to leave a comment on the web version of this letting me know one thing you’ve done lately to cheer yourself up, or to take care of your mental health.